Let our merch voice your neurodivergent needs in the workplace

Neurodiversity Advocacy Merch

Quality Tees, Hoodies & Mugs designed by autistic professionals.

Neurodiversity Awareness merch that aims to challenge workplaces to respect the needs of its Neurodivergent staff

Most workplaces today do not understand the needs of its Neurodivergent employees.

They don’t understand that neurodivergent people process information differently.

It can take time and effort for us to filter out what we don’t need in the wrong environment, to allow us to focus on what’s important, to do our jobs.

Not enough workplaces understand the extra effort it can take for a neurodivergent brain to function in an environment only designed from a neurotypical perspective.

A request for accommodation is frequently not understood, or not taken seriously enough. Recent research indicates that there are a lot more neurodivergent people in society, so why are our voices not heard? Many of us lucky enough to be in employment, quietly struggle to function without our basic needs being met, because we risk the stigma when we speak up.

The Stigma of Neurodiversity at Work.

And we are tired of it.

Think about how much better Autistic or ADHD people could perform if we could function in spaces that catered to how our brains work?

The aim of our merch is to question the spaces we spend time in,

by highlighting our individual needs, one at a time.

This could be relating to noise, light, social interaction, or anything really - aimed at at driving education of our needs. This is no different to needing reading glasses or a hearing aid.

Change won't happen overnight and a hidden disability makes it harder to convince people. It is society that 'disables' us, and many of us could flourish in the right environment.

Wear a t-shirt or put up a print to remind society of OUR needs and to take them seriously.

Let's increase our chances of being heard with consistent messaging in strategic places for visibility.

Getting our basic needs met in the places we function can impact our successful we are in many aspects of our lives.

We deserve to function in spaces designed to maximise our potential.

It is our right.

Help spread Neurodiversity Awareness in the workplace with our T shirts, Hoodies & Prints

Why should your workplace change to cater to you?

Disability Rights, that's why.

Living in a world only catered to people who are not disabled in any way, is unfair.

People with disabilities, visible or not, should have equal rights.

When a company encourages people with disabilities to apply for a job,

they frequently only refer to the application process,

but what about people already in the job?

A company’s processes and systems frequently don't acknowledge disabled employees working twice as hard behind the scenes, on systems not designed with their needs in mind.

They are not given the same opportunities for advancement, because they function differently, despite their efforts in succeeding in a job with systems and environments which actively works against them.

This is usually unnoticed by employers, so careers don't progress.

Employers need to understand that having policies around non-discrimination of disability is only one aspect of an inclusive environment without discrimination.

Actively ensuring that managers and HR have a comprehensive understanding of an disabilities, however, is another and where many employers fall short.

Not only should disabled people's needs be accommodated, but they deserve equal opportunities in the workplace.

Our selection of Wall Prints and Mugs are a great addition to the office as a reminder of this.