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Collection: Neurodiversity Awareness Unique Mugs wall Prints

Neurodivergent folks have different needs.

We process information differently.

We work differently.

We stim.

As neurodiverse professionals know, advocating for our needs is hard in most work environments where neurotypical brains are considered 'the norm'. With the rising Neurodiversity Movement, we know there are more neurodivergent people in the workforce - so why are our needs not considered?

We can be affected by noise, lighting, movement, excessive interruptions, no information around impromptu meetings, unplanned social activities, to name a few. 

Neurodivergent people deserve a Neuro-inclusive environment and it's not fair that we are forced to function in environments that work against the way our brain functions.

We have a right to work in an inclusive environment.

Shop our selection of mugs and wall prints for use in the office, to remind colleagues of your needs - so you too can get the opportunity to function in an environment suitable for your neurodivergent brain to flourish.

Our unique selection of coffee mugs and prints will help you get your message reinforced in a way that reaffirms your needs. Please note, our selection is modest, but we are fervently working on increase our range, so please stay in touch!